Thursday, October 12, 2017

Whole 30 Day 4

Well day 4 has been rough! Low energy (which is no fun), I wanted sugar all day, and I have headaches since day 1.  I am sure it's just my body going hold the mean to tell me that your not gonna feed me junk? No body, I am not gonna feed you junk, no matter how much you beg me for it...and it does.  I truly believe making healthy choices would be simple if you didn't get your brain involved.  But unfortunately it's part of the process.  I've still been taking my slim & sassy 3 times a day.  I won't really know if it did anything but I just hope it helps.  I do feel less bloated which is huge.  No one likes to feel bloated.  And I am happy to be making healthy choices.  I've been posting meals on my Instagram page to help keep me in check.  I feel like everyone is watching me succeed this way. (Plus who doesn't want to see yummy food lol) Well that's all for tonight folks.  Check in in a day or 2. 

Whole 30 Day 2

decided to pick this blog back up while doing this round of Whole 30.  I've done these a few times and been successful and not so successful.  But this time I want to give it my all.  Yesterday went really well...I was a little shocked when I actually got the courage to weigh in for the official weight (215...eek) I don't like that number.  I started taking Doterra essential oils slim & sassy to hopefully help me along on this journey.  It's supposed to help with fat burning & metabolism...right now I'll take all the help I can get! Today was a bit more difficult.  Work days tend to be for me for some reason.  I am realizing I turn to food for many things...boredom, stress, habits.  And I didn't make these habits overnight so I can't expect to break them overnight.  Breakfast was easy...egg muffins, avocado & an apple with a cup of coffee with almond milk.  But I tend to get hungry about 11am...but I held out till lunch time (leftover egg roll in a bowl & grapes).  I had a meeting today...and one of our vendors brought PIZZA and it smelled soooooooo GOOD! But I was good and waited till I got to the car and had a few almonds (which were stale, boo) and headed home.  My hubby made me a yummy dinner of chicken thighs sauted squash & onions  & salad.  Nice not to have to make dinner.  Snagged a cherry larabar before heading to bed...took my slim & sassy today (1st thing in the morning, noon time and juat before bed).  We will see what tomorrow brings...hopefully not another headache (yeah I've had an on and off one both days).

Monday, May 9, 2011


So surprisingly enough I made it under 210lbs down to 208lbs. I am super surprised because I did do my best to make healthy choices (except for one day lol) but about half the week I didn't even count my calories completely. It makes me feel like I am making healthy choices. I have been going out of my way to do it. I also did a lot more weight lifting over cardio which I know helps boost metabolism. I am def. feeling stronger and better about what I am doing. Okay next goal...under 200lbs. I know you all will be around to watch and listen. I appreciate having you all around to listen...I think it does help keep me in check. I hate having to admit defeat but when it makes you stronger it's a great thing.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


So I made it down to 210lbs but not under...I am soooooooo frustrated. I am going to try to keep my sodium down today and up my fiber...I am hoping that helps a lot. I also know that I need to get my workout into high gear. So starting tomorrow I am going to get my ass kicked by Jillian Michaels with the 30 day shred. I know that that particular work out does work for me. We will see what next week brings for me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

feeling good

So yesterday I did the kickboxing plus after work I went on a 3 mile walk with a friend. I felt so tired after yesterday it was awesome. The weather is not looking so great this morning but maybe if it clears up I'll go walking again today. I started with a great breakfast today (egg beaters, 1 slice of bacon [i know not healthy but yummy], mushrooms, reduced fat string cheese and 2 kiwi's) and hope to continue to make good choices through out the day. I am feeling more confident then yesterday. Hopefully I can keep it up.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bad Blogger

I know I didn't blog at all last week. It was Passover and I always have issues with it. So needless to say I only maintained my weight last week. But Passover ended last night and today is a new day. I had a great run on Sunday with my hubby. It was really nice...maybe we'll do it again next Sunday but we'll see. I got up and did a Kickboxing video this morning. I think my body has decided that I need to get up and work out b/c this morning and yesterday morning I woke up at 4:30 for no apparent reason. If it happens tomorrow I guess I'll get up and work out. I was only planning on doing every other day but if someone out there is telling me I should work out today then I'm gonna do it. I had a good breakfast this morning raisin bran and milk. I am feeling good and confident this week. I hope to keep it up :) and maybe next monday I'll have an awesome weigh in and be under that 210 mark that has been haunting me for a while. I've gotten that close before but then just gain it back. Hopefully this is the time to get under that point. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

2nd Week Weigh In

So I weighed in this morning. I am down 3lbs this week...Not as much as I wanted to make it down under 200lbs by the end of the month but it is a weight loss and with the amount I didn't work out last week I should be happy with that. I have to be much better about working out this week (I am planning on going on a run this morning). It's the hardest part for me. I don't enjoy working out. I am not one of those people that gets like the work out "high". I never have. I know most people do but for some reason it's just not something that I get. Also this week is Passover. It makes my diet slightly different (not that much but somewhat). I won't calorie count the first two nights b/c I will be having Seder both nights and between food and wine it is going to be crazy amounts of food that I wouldn't normally have (and food that I wouldn't normally have too) I will try my best to eat healthy early in the day and just work on portion control. Okay...Must go run. :)